Clone Driver (1)
Basic info
First appearance: Attack of the Clones
Clone trooper drivers were special clone troopers who were especially trained in piloting ground vehicles of the Grand Army of the Republic. Clone trooper pilots were randomly picked from the normal clone ranks to be drivers and vehicle technicians. As many other clone units, they have seen their first combat deployment during the battle of Geonosis, piloting AT-TEs. As the Clone Wars progressed, a new breed of clones were trained to utilize the latest Republic land vehicles, including the first generation of AT-ATs. They could drive most things in the Republic's arsenal of vehicles, although many were trained to specialize in one particular craft. Clone drivers did not utilize special armor - their helmets were similar in design to those of clone pilots, with red Republic emblems on either side. They also lacked the fin which is present on the tops of the helmets of most clone troopers.
See also
Complete list
AT-TE Driver
SWM Galaxy at War
AT-TE Driver

Last updated: 19.02.2022 14:06:43